Monday, September 1, 2008

Featured Blog: The Deviled Ham Devil

Hola, amigos! Deviled Ham Devil here! Just back from P-Town ... tan, trim, and stinkin' o' gin! (I totally have to quit drinking. Until next Friday. Psych!!!)

Bri-Bri and I had the BEST freakin' time but now it's BACK TO LIFE ... BACK TO REALITY (bleah) but I'm actually really EXCITED so I don't know why I said bleah. Ignore me. Display.

What I'm excited about is the news that Bri-Bri and I have FINALLY (trumpet fanfare) rented the ANVIL FACTORY (choir of angels) and we're TOTALLY gonna be staging our cabaret piece DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE C-WORD. Not to be overly modest (moi?) but you guys are SOOO gonna LAP IT UP! Songs, characters, gossip (TONS of gossip), and the crème de la piece de la On No He Di'int! de resistence: the UNEDITED version of the time I tried to get Kristin Chenowith's autograph. Yessssss indeedy! Those of you who already know the story, ADORE the story ... and I think you're really gonna dig the full-stage, balls-out, director's cut, kung-fu grip version. Those of you who DON'T know the story … tickets are still available!!!

ANYhoo, la-dee-da, that's what's up in Deviled Hampshire. I'll keep you posted about the show AND my heart-wrenching battle with alcoholism. AS IF!!!



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